All Things are the Same Thing, Configured Differently

Every Thing is Art

Each Thing Tells a Story

Even Rocks have Souls

Nature Always Breaks Through

Is Bioplastic the Solution to Plastic Pollution?

Biodegradable plastic can avoid the label of ‘greenwashing’ only if it meets a sort of Nirvana level of criteria for rapid reintegration with the biosphere. The criteria include:
1. No ruination of existing wilderness or wildlife habitat and responsible use of agricultural land during sourcing.
2. Zero toxins used and zero toxic waste generated during manufacturing.
3. The proactive ability to completely breakdown into organic matter after disposal... including the ability to biodegrade aerobically (in open air) and anaerobically (without oxygen):
  • In freshwater
  • In ocean water
  • In soil
  • Via industrial composting
  • Via home composting

  • See more of Laura's Writing Portfolio...

    Fog stills the water like ice stills the water, but beware of taking a step, unless you are prepared to swim the treacherous deep on a cold day.

    Heading in to the lake, I see a whitetail paused by the roadside. I’m harmless as far as deer are concerned. I guess she figured that out. She dashes across and into the woods before I can take a picture.

    The dog can smell alligators who shelter in the reeds below the trail, and doesn’t like to go that way. I assure her gators don’t come out much around the winter solstice, but we tread carefully, regardless, and listen for their grunting, and eventually turn around as our pulses quicken.

    Hawk calls, invisible as he soars across the lake. A flood of jays lay siege up high in the pines and oaks, such a party! There’s an eagle around here somewhere, always watching, but I can’t see him today.

    A couple of rowers appear out of nowhere, carrying their longboat up the hill from the dock. We wait for them to cross over to the racks, as we waited for the deer. One rower remarks they could not see much out there on the lake, this morning, in the fog.

    I’m pretty sure the hawk followed us home, but still, I couldn’t see him.

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    Download Laura's free Multiplication Worksheet PDF, a fun multiplication table and quilt-art exercise to help K-12 students memorize the calculations and learn patterns in abstract math.

    Laura's Multiplication Quilt was originally developed in 1993 as a classroom exercise.
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